Finding My Niche

It’s December ya’ll! How is it December? We’re barreling towards a new year and that calls for introspection. Fresh eyes. New outlooks! Finding my niche on this platform has felt like a near impossible task. When I started this blog I just wanted to write. I wanted to practice. I wanted to share. I had…

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Ten Years of BB&B

Ten years ago, heartbroken, and feeling out of control, I sat down at my desk. I wanted to write. I wanted to put my feelings down somewhere that any other woman suffering through a miscarriage could read it, and feel even a tiny bit less alone. Ten years ago, I started this blog! My very…

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Let me start by saying thank you. some of you have been following me from the start and you’ve probably noticed many changes to the blog over the years. I appreciate you sticking with me. Your support means everything! Some of you are new and I am so grateful that you gave me a chance.…

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